Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Create a Query in Axapta

Query is the most widely used AOT object in Dynamics AX customization and development. After creation it can be used as a data source in the following AOT objects: -

  • Forms
  • DataSets
  • Reports
  • Views
To create a query, follow the following steps: -

  1. In AOT select Queries node, right click and select "New Query" command. This creates a new query sub-node under the Queries node.
  2. By default "Query1" is the name of your new query. To change its name, go to properties window and change the value in the "Name" property. OR press F2 when query is selected, now you can directly write its name on the node. For example write its name as "AxdLedgerJournal".

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Dynamics AX form requires an active buffer

At the start of my Dynamics AX development learning, I received the error "Dynamics AX form requires an active buffer" many times whenever I tried to open a second level of form (child form). The reason is that I was not submitting the required parameter values for it.

To open second level of form, you have to mention the name of the caller form (parent form). The best example is Production Order's Picking List form. To open the "Production Journal Lines" sub-form within Picking List form, first create the Picking List form instance and open it, next create the "Production Journal Lines" form instance and set the "Caller" property with Picking List form instance.

Here is the code for above explanation: -

        Args                    argsForm;
        FormRun             formRun;
        FormRun             subformRun;